Alan Cobb

Spring 2006

Cobb is State Director for the Kansas chapter of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a grassroots public policy group dedicated to educating citizens and policy makers about tax and spending issues, judicial selection and eminent domain reform. Cobb also served as campaign manager for Tim Shallenburger’s 2002 gubernatorial campaign and as a long-time manager of public affairs for Koch Industries. He holds degrees from the Washburn University School of Law, the University of Pennsylvania, and Wichita State University. He has worked in the offices of Senator Sheila Frahm and Senator Bob Dole. Cobb is a member of the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership program and of the USD 437 School Foundation Board.

His study group takes citizen involvement as its subject, especially instances where citizens by-pass elected representatives to have a more direct say in government.

Discussion Group Topic
Citizens v. The Man

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