Cherylyn Harley LeBon

Fall 2017

Cherylyn Harley LeBon is a lawyer, strategist, executive coach and commentator. She works at the intersection of business and politics and advises CEO’s, corporations, trade associations, and non-profits and has advised political candidates at all levels.

Her previous work has seen her serve as a senior executive in the federal government, a Vice-President at a national industry trade association; as a spokesman at a political organization; and as Senior Counsel on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee where she was responsible for judicial nominations; human and civil rights, and a variety of other business issues.

A frequent media contributor and commentator, she has appeared on MSNBC and FOX News and written for a variety of publications.

Discussion Group Topic
The Elusive Quest for the Lacrosse Mom: How do Politicians, Corporations, Organizations and the Community Engage Women?

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