Christina Luhn

Summer 2017

Christina Luhn is the organizer and founder of the Cali-Baja initiative, a bi-national economic development strategy on the U.S.-Mexico border. Her work in the California-Baja Mexico border region brought together diverse groups of stakeholders to focus on economic collaboration and development. The Cali-Baja initiative’s success has allowed Luhn to present to groups along both the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders interested in creating their own cross-border collaborations, and the initiative has received recognition from both the U.S. and Mexican governments.

Luhn’s career has focused on international relations with an emphasis on America’s interactions with the developing world. She previously worked as an adjunct professor at several institutions throughout San Diego and Kansas City, including the UMKC and Rockhurst. Luhn has worked as a staff assistant on the National Security Council under President Reagan, as a legislative assistant for Rep. Larry Winn (KS) and as a graduate research assistant for the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Discussion Group Topic
Beyond the Border: U.S.-Mexico Relations

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