Ed Duckers

Visiting Fellow

Ed Duckers is partner at Stoel Rives LLP and the head of the firm’s Litigation Practice in California and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. He is a past chair of Stoel Rives’ Food and Agribusiness Industry Team.

He currently serves as a Visiting Fellow at the Dole Institute of Politics and works with Pedro Irigonegaray to lead The Counselors, a biannual program featuring debates on contemporary topics.

Should the Draft Be Reinstated?

This fall, Dole Institute Visiting Fellows and attorneys Ed Duckers and Pedro Irigonegaray will debate whether or not the military draft should be reinstated in the United States with the assistance of expert witnesses.

Should Supreme Court Justices Have Term Limits?

Join us on April 23, 2024, for this year’s edition of The Counselors: “Resolved: Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court should be appointed for a single, fixed 18 year-term rather than a lifetime appointment.”

Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote?

Focusing on criminal justice reform, the debate topic for our November program is “Resolved: Felons should be allowed to vote after completing their sentence.”

Should Antitrust Laws Regulate Big Tech?

Inspired by our beloved courtroom-style program, The Counselors, Ed Duckers and Pedro Irigonegaray return – this time as mentors to KU undergraduate students! Students will cross examine expert witnesses to debate the future of Big Tech by addressing the resolution: Antitrust laws should be expanded to regulate anticompetitive practices by big tech corporations.

Should Cash Bail Be Required for Certain Individuals?

Focusing on criminal justice reform, the theme for our November program is “Resolved: Cash bail will not be required for individuals who are not a flight risk or dangerous.”

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