Lisa Spies

Spring 2012

Lisa Spies is a political fundraiser with over ten years of experience raising national and PAC contributions. Spies is the PAC Finance Director, Director of Women for Romney, and the Director of Jewish Outreach for Romney for President, Inc. In addition, she is fundraising for Congresswoman Connie Mack’s (FL) bid for the U.S. Senate and is the D.C. Finance Director for Senator David Vitter (LA). Spies is the Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s National Women’s Committee. During the 2010 election cycle, she directed key fundraising efforts for Senator John Thune (SD), Senator Vitter and Congressman Mike Pence (IN). Described as a “Super-Fundraiser” by Capitol File Magazine in 2006, Spies directs multi-million dollar national fundraising efforts including high-dollar donor events, PAC events and direct mail and internet programs, as well as conferences of all sizes.

Discussion Group Topic
Put Your Money Where Your Vote Is

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