Nancy Bocskor

Fall 2019

Nancy Bocskor, tagged a “Democracy Coach” by a major German newspaper, teaches citizens in the United States and internationally how to communicate with passion to affect change in their communities. She is the director of the Center for Women in Politics & Public Policy at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas.

Bocskor has worked in 28 countries across six continents, teaching advocacy, fundraising and storytelling to democratic activists, at the invitation of NGOs, universities, the U.S. State Department and embassies. In 2016, she was selected by the Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences as one of the “Top 12 Women Changing the Face of Political Communications in Latin America.” She is the author of “Go Fish: How to Catch (and Keep) Contributors: A Practical Guide to Fundraising,” and serves on the boards of Running Start, Veterans Campaign Workshop and PLEN (Public Leadership Education Network).

Discussion Group Topic
Create Change: Women, Democracy and Global Politics

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