Ron Marks

Spring 2020

Marks is a 35-year veteran of the U.S. national security community. A former CIA official, Marks was a clandestine service officer and a Senate Liaison for five Directors of Central Intelligence. He went on to serve on Capitol Hill as Intelligence Counsel to Senate Majority Leaders Robert Dole and Trent Lott. Marks maintains his involvement with intelligence matters as a member of various intelligence community advisory groups both in and outside the government.

Since leaving government, Marks has been a successful senior defense contractor and a software executive. After leading national security business ventures at Science Applications International Corporation and SRA International, Marks was picked to re-open British Telecom’s Federal Practice. He was then hired to re-establish the Washington, D.C. office of Oxford Analytica, a UK based international consultancy firm, and led it for six years.

Marks is currently President of ZPN Cyber Strategies. He is Chairman Emeritus of Intelligence and Cyber Studies at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security (now Texas A&M) in Washington, D.C., as well as an adjunct instructor at John Hopkins’ Krieger School where he teaches Homeland Security Intelligence, and a Senior Instructor with The Intelligence and Security Academy.

Discussion Group Topic
Spying in the Cyber Age

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