Steve Kraske

Fall 2016

The 2016 presidential election has defied expectations and explanations at every turn. Dole Fellow Steve Kraske and his special guest speakers will lay out a guidebook on the art of presidential campaigns, the 2016 cycle and interpreting results on election night.

An associate teaching professor of journalism at UMKC and host of KCUR’s “Up to Date” program since 2002, Steve Kraske is a veteran of political correspondence. He started with the Kansas City Star in 1986 as a police reporter, and has since seen a storied career that has covered state and local politics in Missouri and Kansas in addition to 11 national political conventions. Kraske is now a member of The Star’s editorial board.

Kraske graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in journalism, and was a 1992 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University.

Discussion Group Topic
Toss Out the Playbook: Trump, Clinton and the Wacky Politics of 2016

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