Nancy Kassebaum, U.S. Senator

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Longtime Senate colleagues and friends Bob Dole and Nancy Kassebaum take the stage at the Dole Institute to discuss Congress when they served, the state of Congress today and contemporary politics.

2017 | The U.S. and the Great War: 100 Years Later

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On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked a joint session of Congress to make the world “safe for democracy.” Four days later, the United States entered World War I, one of the deadliest wars in American history. The 2017 Presidential Lecture Series will welcome expert guest lecturers to dive inside U.S. involvement in the […]

2017 SPRING | President Trump: The First 100 Days

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Dole Fellows Henry “C.J.” Jackson and Johanna Maska Read more about Dole Fellows >> Fresh off a dramatic election season, KU alums Henry “C.J.” Jackson and Johanna Maska will examine and interpret the first 100 days of the Trump administration as they happen. Jackson and Maska will welcome a who’s-who of Washington insiders and reporters […]

INNOVATION SERIES | Finances of Innovation

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In the 21st century, government financing plays an ever-increasing role in scientific innovation. Hosted in partnership with the KU School of Engineering, join a fascinating discussion on federal research and development funding with Kei Koizumi, former Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The Other Side: A Liberal Democrat Explores Conservative America

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Documentary filmmaker Joe McGovern started with a question: is the source of our political anger with others caused, in part, by a lack of understanding? The result is his film “The Other Side,” documenting his travels across the U.S. and candid interviews with conservative Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s 1968 Dress Rehearsal

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Author Gene Kopelson shares the story of Ronald Reagan’s first quest for the presidency in the late 1960s. Mentored by Dwight D. Eisenhower and opposed politically by Robert Kennedy, Reagan’s first major foray into presidential politics set the tone for his future candidacies—and eventual victory. This program will include a book sale and signing.

Robert Kaplan

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Explore the complex world of U.S. monetary policy and the central banking system in the 2017 Dole Lecture with Robert Kaplan, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Only the second KU alum to deliver the Dole Lecture, Kaplan will discuss his career as leader of one of the 12 banks in […]

2017 | Inaugural Lecture

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Join the Dole Institute for the inaugural lecture in a special new signature series, the Elizabeth Dole Women in Leadership Lecture, delivered by former U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole. Dole will discuss her long career in public service, including her years as commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, U.S. Secretary of Labor, […]

2017 SUMMER | Beyond the Border: U.S.-Mexico Relations

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Dole Fellow Christina Luhn Read more about Dole Fellows >> For many, the U.S.-Mexico border presents a problem, for others, an economic opportunity. An expert in cross-border economic development, Christina Luhn will lead a summer discussion group series exploring the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico with a focus on border security, immigration and trade. […]

World War II: Home Front to Battlefront

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Frank Lavin shares the tale of a World War II foot soldier who finds himself thrust into a world where he and his unit grapple with the horrors of combat, the idiocies of bureaucracy, and the oddities of life back home—all in the same day. Lavin’s book “Home Front to Battlefront” follows his father Carl […]

HISTORICAL INTERPRETER | David Shuey on John J. Pershing

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Explore the life and times of General John J. Pershing, a Missouri native and commander of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during World War I. Join the Institute to commemorate 100 years since the U.S. entry into the war and examine one of our nation’s most decorated military leaders, portrayed here by historical interpreter David […]

Climbing Kilimanjaro

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Standing as the highest point on the African continent at 19,341 feet, Mount Kilimanjaro is considered a fairly accessible mountain summit, involving an arduous trek at high altitudes with no technical climbing. Mountain guide and trekker Ian Taylor will return to the Dole Institute to share the challenge and beauty of climbing one of the […]

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