Gerald Seib

Visiting Fellow

Gerald Seib is a graduate of the University of Kansas and was a journalist with The Wall Street Journal for almost 45 years. He served as the Journal’s Executive Washington Editor and wrote the weekly “Capital Journal” column for 29 years. He has also reported from the Middle East for the Journal in the mid-1980s, covered the White House, moderated three presidential debates, and interviewed every president since Ronald Reagan.

Seib currently serves as a Visiting Fellow at the Dole Institute of Politics. Previously, he served as the Fall 2022 Dole Fellow. His series, “Big Stakes, Big Consequences,” featured national pollsters as well as prominent politicos and journalists.

NATO in a New Era of Collective Defense

Admiral Robert Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, visits the Dole Institute for an exclusive conversation with Dole Institute Visiting Fellow Gerald Seib about the future of NATO in a new era of collective defense.

A Question of Respect: Brining Us Together in a Deeply Divided Nation

Celinda Lake, a Democrat, and Ed Goeas, a Republican, have been crossing party lines for more than three decades to produce the Battleground Poll that takes a bipartisan look at America and its politics. Now they have co-authored a book that draws on what they have learned to describe how America has reached its current, deeply fractured political condition and, more importantly, how the country might move beyond it. These two leading political practitioners visit the Dole Institute to discuss their work, including their central argument that the only way to escape the current polarization is through mutual respect, with Dole Institute Visiting Fellow Gerald Seib.

Big Stakes, Big Consequences

Fall 2022 Discussion Groups Series

Gerald F. Seib’s series on the 2022 midterm election will feature national pollsters as well as prominent politicos and journalists.

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