World Leaders in Wartime: King Henry II
King Henry II of England (reigned 1154-1189) was the most powerful European monarch of his day, husband to Eleanor of Aquitaine, and father to two successors: Richard the Lionheart and […]
King Henry II of England (reigned 1154-1189) was the most powerful European monarch of his day, husband to Eleanor of Aquitaine, and father to two successors: Richard the Lionheart and […]
At the turn of the 20th century, President William McKinley led the United States' continued expansion abroad through war with Spain over Cuba and the Philippines. His expansion of American […]
Dr. Babb will discuss the wartime leadership of Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) and Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong). Their political and military leadership in the Chinese Civil War, the War Against […]
In 1794 the new American republic was beset by a host of “enemies,” foreign and domestic. For George Washington, the greatest of these came from the disgruntled citizens of the […]
Winston S. Churchill served as a wartime leader in the twentieth century’s two global wars. His posts during the Great War included service as First Lord of the Admiralty, akin […]
On February 24, 2022 Russian military forces invaded Ukraine under orders from Russian President Valdimir Putin. This was the largest military operation in Europe since the end of the Second […]
Abraham Lincoln, often characterized as one of America’s preeminent war leaders, was a master politician who intuitively understood the political consequences of any decision. Yet on matters of strategy, arguably […]
Popularly known as “the Strong” for his formidable physical vigor and power, Augustus II came to power in Saxony in 1694 and won the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth three […]
The Nazis’ attempt to bomb Great Britain into submission in 1940 and 1941 represented Hitler’s most destructive method of forcing Britain out of the Second World War, but it was […]
Robert Fulton is best known for the first commercially successful steamboats plying the Hudson River. However, he did considerable work inventing and developing weapons of naval warfare: workable submarines, underwater […]
Desert Storm in January-February 1991 is known for its dazzling display of technological brilliance, forecasting a so-called revolution in military affairs that promised the United States a cheap alternative to […]
This lecture will begin with the genesis of the shipboard combat information center (CIC) in World War II from the Guadalcanal campaign (1942) up through that at Okinawa (1945). From […]
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