Food: The Ultimate Weapon for Democracy

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In 1946, starvation abounded in the world. World War II had led to hunger, and now coupled with world drought was causing massive starvation. Guns had started and won the […]

Tom Harkin, U.S. Senator

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The Dole Institute is proud to honor U.S. Senator Tom Harkin with the 2017 Dole Leadership Prize. Harkin represented Iowa in the U.S. Congress for more than four decades, including […]

America and the Armenian Genocide

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Starting in 1915, the Ottoman Empire killed up to 1.5 million Armenians and evicted hundreds of thousands of others from their homes in an act of genocide that would later […]

The Loneliness of the Black Republican

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Harvard Kennedy School professor Leah Rigueur lays out a new understanding of the interaction between African-Americans and the Republican Party, exploring the seemingly incongruous intersection of civil rights and American […]

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